The Gujarat Dyestuff Manufacturers Association (GDMA) is an apex body of all Dyes & Dye Intermediate manufacturers in Gujarat, established in the year 1962. It has emerged as an apex body representing 80% dyestuff manufacturers of Gujarat contributing approx. 60% of the total exports of the Country. These units have a combined turnover of about Rs. 25000 Cr. The dyestuff industries of Gujarat generate more than 1 lakh Direct Employment & 1.5 lakh indirect employment. The Dyestuff Industry pays approx Rs. 5500 Cr. GST & around Rs. 700 Cr. of Income Tax.

Started with 7 members, GDMA has grown into a large Association today comprising of approx. 1140 members (there are approx. 1500 manufacturing units in Gujarat) and providing services to members throughout Gujarat from its premises located in Ahemadabad. The rapidly expanding growth profile and glorious past achievements is indeed a matter of pride and satisfaction.

Exports of Dyes & Dye Intermediates as per Chemexcil records in the year 1975 was only Rs. 356 crores. In 2017-18, this figure has come to a volume of 522659 MT with a value of 2403.62 Million USD (About INR. 16340 Crores) and also Domestic sale of approx. INR 9500 Cr – 10000 Cr. The sector has performed well in spite of the tremendous competition from China and other countries.

In view of the objectivity and impartiality displayed by the Association in tackling the problems of the members, its views, suggestions and opinions are sought, heard and valued by the authorities at all levels i.e. local, state and central. Even on vital issues delegation of Association meet periodically with State as well as Central Government Ministers concerned for resolving the problems.

The active and vigilant Executive Committee including its Sub-Committees meet every month and is guiding and shaping the future of the Association and its member units. Because of effective and efficient services rendered to the members, GDMA has acquired considerable outstanding status, and reputation in the business world and also in State as well as Central Government.

GDMA has always displayed a flayer for innovation which has culminated into the organization of several landmark events, programs and activities such as seminars, exhibitions, workshops, round table conferences, open houses and interactive sessions on a multitude of vital issues and subjects relating to project and deliberate over major issues affecting the growth of dyestuff industries.

The most outstanding and noteworthy service rendered by the Association is in the field of pollution control in Gujarat. In fact active support and initiative from GDMA was instrumental in establishing CETPs and Authorised Common Hazardous Waste Landfill Sites in all GIDC Estates of Gujarat to control pollution in the larger interest and survival of industries. While discharging service to the industries, it has not lagged behind in discharging social obligations in times of natural and man made calamities.

GDMA presents Awards, Trophies and Certificate of Merit every year to recognise and motivate the members. This gesture provides much needed encouragement and inducement to members to face the challenges of globalisation and enhance their competitiveness.

GDMA is affiliated to and closely associated with Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), Gujarat Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GCCI), Federation of Association of Small Industries of India (FASII), The Dyestuffs Manufacturers’ Association of India (DMAI), Basic Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics Export Promotion Council (Chemexcil), Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) and Federation of Industries and Associations (FIA).

In the context of globalization, liberalization and privatization, the mission and vision of GDMA is Growing to Serve the Nation and Serving to Grow.

Aims and Objectives

  1. To protect and promote the interest of Gujarat State based Dyestuffs and intermediates manufacturers.
  2. To standardise and improve the process of manufacturing Dyestuffs and intermediates and dissem inate the technical and other knowledge with regards to products, its manufacturing and its changing market needs through seminars, symposia, conferences and series of lectures by the people of eminence in the industry.
  3. To act as spokesman of the industry, at all for a of the Government and other such bodies and to seek redressal of the industry's common problems from them.
  4. To encourage member units to export their products and earn invaluable foreign exchange for the nation.
  5. To adopt, adapt and improve its members through constant education on various aspects and encourage them to take on to the bigger challenges.